24 by 24 by 24

If there is one thing I love to do, it is to brainstorm all the possible achievement I could reach in my life. However, most of the time these thoughts drift in and out of my head, and I easily forget them for long periods of time without realizing I had even thought of trying to reach these goals.

Celebrating my 23rd birthday with family and caramel icing chocolate cake.

My 24 by 24 by 24 list is the set of goals I am setting for myself to achieve by the time I turn 24. Every year I make a bucket list, however these goals are specifically tailored to be achieved by my birthday (My bucket list would be a whole different story).

I call it 24 by 24 by 24 because I want to achieve 24 goals by my 24th birthday on February 24, 2020. When I first had the idea of creating this list, I brainstormed all the possible goals I could achieve. However, I felt that it was limiting to brainstorm by myself. Thus, I decided to reach out to family and friends (both old and new) to help me compile a list of possible challenges to try and complete.

My list of goal ideas, courtesy of family and friends.

After writing all of these suggestions down in one list, I began marking off the ones I liked, I thought were feasible and could push me a bit out of my comfort zone. And by this past February 24, 2019, I had completely compiled my list.

Having written down all these goals, I felt enthusiastic about the year and all these possibilities. However, within the week since my Birthday, I have already had moments of doubt and concern about achieving all the goals on this list. I have had second-thoughts about these dreams I’ve had. Despite these feelings, I still want to put the list here, on my blog. Because I love the challenge of trying to achieve them all more than the fear that I will fail. It is still possible I could fail, but it is more about pushing myself and having these experiences then being a “winner” or a “loser.”

So without further ado, here is my list:

24 by 24 by 24

  1. Try a new restaurant each month
  2. Do a 100-day challenge
  3. Go to a festival (of some sort)
  4. Enter the MMIWW Contest (sew a wool outfit)
  5. Find a new hobby (aka join a club)
  6. Make something extreme (think art)
  7. Have a Photo Shoot (w/Gillian 😀 )
  8. LOTR Extended Movie Marathon (with Kamille)
  9. Start and keep a gratitude journal (at least 2xs a week)
  10. Bake a dessert and gift some of it out
  11. Designate time each week for meditation
  12. Go to a baseball game (with friends!)
  13. Do a styling trip (with Tevin)
  14. Go hiking with a new friend
  15. Write a collection of poems/short story
  16. Read 24 books
  17. Have a writing retreat with Laura and Abby
  18. Go to a new city by myself and spend a day there
  19. Give up soda for a month
  20. Visit Nicole in NY
  21. Go to a concert
  22. Sing karaoke
  23. Take a class on something I’m interested in (surfing, painting, ext.)
  24. Run an under 10-minute mile

I don’t plan on completing these in any particular order, but I do hope to achieve them all. Having goals gives me inspiration for what I can do when I feel like I have nothing I’m aiming to fulfill. I’m hoping that by accomplishing these goals it could lead to new experiences and friendships. I also hope to begin leading a healthier lifestyle and push myself further from my comfort zone. I know in the past these lists have helped me accomplish my goals and learn new facts about myself, and I hope by sharing this list it holds me accountable to my goals as well as inspires others to think more deeply about what they wish to accomplish.

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