Life through a new lens

I recently returned from a much needed vacation. And it feels as if over the past several months I was living with my eyes closed. Life is vibrant. There is so much opportunity everywhere and there are a thousand ways to experience all of the wonders in the world.

View of the Mediterranean Sea from the exotic garden in Eze Village, France.

Going on this trip made me realize how although routine can be good, it can also be detrimental – especially if it does not incorporate what you are passionate about. By taking a break from my routine, I discovered that I had been blind to the fact that I was unhappy, forcing myself to go through the motions rather than taking steps to change my situation. I was stagnate.

Part of this stemmed from career choice. Do not get me wrong, I am grateful for my job. But I also recognize the fact that it does not make me feel accomplished in life. I rarely do activities during the work week, so many days begin to blur together. There is a pattern. Everyday I wake up, go to work, go home, cook dinner, and then simply repeat (not even mentioning how the commute can be some days).

At the Jardin du Luxembourg, enjoying some raspberry ice cream.

While for many people this is a routine they enjoy and appreciate, I’ve come to realize that for myself, the content of my routine, primarily my job, is unfulfilling many days. I would need to make changes in this routine to feel more purposeful on a daily basis. Incorporating exercise, relocating to another apartment, and finding a new hobby or extracurricular are just some of the options I have been considering for the short term. Of these three, I think changing the location of where I live would have the biggest impact on how I currently spend my time.

I’ve also been contemplating the more major elements of my life I want to change, such as entering a new career or moving to a new place, and the steps I would need to take. I know what my passions are – I love writing, creative pursuits, travelling, logic puzzles and problem solving. However, my strongest desire is to feel that I have a purpose, and that I am doing something that helps people.

Flowers at the Nice market, held in Old Town (Vielle Ville).

Of course, none of these changes would guarantee that I would be a happier person or feel more purposeful in life. A major part of “finding” happiness is health, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual… all of it. In some ways, my trip was a booster shot – it revitalized me, helping me to find what makes me happy again and giving me time to reflect on how I feel about life.

So, although I loved my trip and would be willing to go back in a heart beat, I know that these vacations are not a long term solution, but a part of the process to making long term change. And having reflected on my current situation, the next step for me is to keep moving forward, no matter how much time it may take, through actionable steps as well as consistent reflection and appreciation for life.

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