A six month countdown

Earlier this year I created a bucket list of 24 items to complete before I turned 24 on the 24th of February… in other words, my 24 by 24 by 24 bucket list. This past month was the halfway point from when I set these goals, and it seems only appropriate to give an update.

Volunteering selling ice cream at the Maryland State Fair!

As the year has progressed, some things have changed – some goals have been edited, and alternatives or “bonuses” have been added. Most of these alternative/bonus goals were ones I had considered putting on the list when I was created it, but then initially decided they did not cut the top 24.

While I do have conflicting thoughts on changing goals, I think at the end of the day having alternatives is more realistic for me, especially when considering all the unknown factors that can impact a year. Instead of feeling guilty for changing a goal, I can recognize the fact that the ways I want to push myself evolve as the year progresses, letting me explore new opportunities and challenges.

Below is a list of my goals – along with an update by each one

24 by 24 by 24

  1. Try a new restaurant each month
    • On track to completion!
  2. Do a 100-day challenge
    • Walked 10,000 steps a day from May through August.
  3. Go to a festival (of some sort)
    • Attended the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.
  4. Sew an Outfit
    • Had to adjust this goal – the contest I initially wanted to enter in is on the same day as a wedding. Instead I have decided to sew a dress for the wedding as my new goal!
  5. Find a new hobby  (join a club)
    • Recently I have become active in a local organization to my county- so this goal is on its way to completion!
  6. Make something extreme (think art)
    • I’ve been brainstorming – but I’m open to ideas!
  7. Have a Photo Shoot
    • Technically, I did do a photo shoot this past summer (although it was with my sister, and not with my wonderful friend Gillian (hi!)). However, this is a goal that I’ve been reevaluating. Lately I’ve been more interested in taking photos, and think my new goal may be to go out and experiment taking more of nature.
  8. LOTR Extended Movie Marathon/visit Kamille in NYC!
  9. Start and keep a gratitude journal (at least 2xs a week)
    • I am happy to say that this is one of my goals I have been consistent on! It has helped me remember all the good things in life.
  10. Bake a dessert and gift some of it out
    • Hopefully will be completed soon.
  11. Designate time each week for meditation
    • This goal is in progress. While I have been conscientious about taking care of myself, I still have not solidified a meditation routine.
  12. Go to a baseball game (with friends!)
    • I honestly to not know if this one will happen before the baseball season ends, in which case it may be one of the goals I end up editing/switching with an alternative!
  13. Do a styling trip with Tevin
    • Another goal I need to organize a meet-up for!
  14. Go hiking with a new friend
    • Completed!
  15. Write a collection of poems/short story
    • Wrote some poetry while fulfilling my writing retreat goal!
  16. Read 24 books
    • Thus far, I have read 11 books and am simultaneously working on numbers 12 and 13. Hoping to finish one soon!
  17. Have a writing retreat with Laura and Abby
    • Participated in CampNano Wrimo 🙂
  18. Go to a new city by myself and spend a day there
    • I’ve been to several new cities this year, so this goal could be considered completed, but I plan to continue to push myself!
  19. Give up soda for a month
    • I am currently working on this goal!
  20. Visit Nicole in NY State
  21. Go to a concert
    • I could argue I’ve been to one already this year, but I’m holding out to see if I go to more!
  22. Sing karaoke
    • The more I think about this goal, the less enthusiastic I feel about it, haha.
  23. Take a class on something I’m interested in (surfing, painting, ext.)
    • This goal I’ve done a lot of research on. All that is left is to sign up for a class and complete it!
  24. Run an under 10-minute mile
    • Surprisingly enough, this goals was actually not difficult to complete!
A picture I took while hiking along the coast of France in April, 2019.

The new “alternative” or “bonus” goals I have allowed myself to include are:

  • Try 24 new Recipes
  • Getting another piercing
  • Cleaning out my room/Donating clothes
  • Visiting my friend Katie

From my original list, I have completed 12 goals – so thankfully it looks like I am on track to complete them on time! However, this count includes my on-going goals – meaning I still have a number of goals that occur once I need to complete!

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

So far this year has had some great times as well as unforeseen challenges. Moving forward I am excited to continue experiencing all of these, and regardless of what life throws at me I will continue pursuing these challenges.