Living in the Moment

Over the past month, a lot of events have happened in my life, sending me on a roller coaster mentally, physically and emotionally. From the highs of travelling to the low of “accidents happen,” living in the moment is something I’m striving towards, so that each day can bring some joy.

Secret Beach on Maui.

The Highs

In late September and into early October, I was able to travel to Hawaii with a good friend of mine. Landing in Oahu after over 12 hours of travelling was enough to make me ecstatic. While the first few days of the trip felt jam-packed and amazing, it was not until we flew to Maui I felt like I found a sense of self(as crazy as that sounds).

My friend and I on a pier in Oahu!

We ended up doing a hostel tour, which took us to a beach known for cliff jumping. In the van ride over, I was vehement that I would not be jumping off of any cliffs. However, when the tour guide asked me if I would be interested in seeing the cliff jump, I agreed. Thus, I ended up on the edge of a 20 foot drop into the pristine blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.

I stood on the edge of that rock for close to 20 minutes, talking nonstop, trying to ignore the drop right in front of me. Each time I finally felt like I could jump, I suddenly would have a pang of fear, and again back away form the edge. Finally, I turned to the tour guide and said “You are too good – you should have told me to go a long time ago.” And as soon as he looked away, I jumped.

The moment of sheer panic that went through my mind as I fell was replaced with adrenaline and joy when I hit the water. I had done it.

And I loved it.

All the stress I had been feeling before the trip, that I hadn’t even realized I had been holding on to, suddenly slipped away. I felt like laughing uncontrollably. I went back and did the cliff jump twice more before calling it a day, but it sticks in my mind as my favorite memory from the trip. I think back on it often, trying to remember that sense of pride, calmness and joy.

A photo of the beach where I went cliff jumping on Maui. This photo does no justice to the beauty of the island, however you can see where people are standing on the cliff and jumping.

The Lows

I guess it only makes sense that after experiencing a vacation so wonderful life would come crashing down. Within two days of returning from Hawaii, I was in a car accident. While I had no serious injuries, my car was considered a “total loss.” When the accident happened, I was surprisingly clear of mind, able to take care of everything and be back at work the next day.

But in the weeks that have followed, handling the logistics feels like playing tag with multiple people, trying to find answers about everything from insurance to injuries, and no one wants to be “it.” Struggling to keep everyone’s answers straight in my head feels like shuffling cards, and all the important ones fall out.


The last month has taken me all over the place – both literally and metaphorically. Trying to figure out a routine that can make me grounded and happy while balancing adulthood seems like the best place to start.

So, let me know- what do you do each day that brings you joy? I’m figuring out mine, and would love to know what other people do that they find peace and joy in.

Sunset in Kihei, Hawaii.