Bye Bye 2019 – but Thanks

2019 was a roller coaster of a year, from travel and adventure, to mundane work routines, to unexpected life moments. While I’ve made some amazing memories in the past year, the last three months have guaranteed for me that it will not be missed. 

View of a sunset in Allegany County, Maryland. Taken in September 2019.

While I could dwell on these moments, I instead want to take the time to reflect on all the good I’ve had this past year, and highlight the three biggest successes and lessons I have expereinced during this time, which I hope continue to benefit me in the future.

1. My first “success” this year has definitely been taking the time to travel. Thinking back on the year, I took 10 trips for pleasure and four for work. I’ve always wanted my life to be an adventure, and having the ability to see and learn about so many places has been a blessing. It has taught me about self reliance and adapting to unexpected opportunities, as well as challenges. It has also made me realize how independent and self sufficient I can be. Looking towards 2020, I can only hope to continue experiencing life’s adventures.

On a beach in Oahu, Hawaii.

2. On a less tangible note, I’ve learned the value of not caring what other people think of me. While I’ve always felt very comfortable in my identity, this was the first year where in a professional setting I experienced people not liking me- for no reason. At first I was stressed because I could not figure out what I had done wrong to make them feel this way about me. But then I realized that even if I were to make changes about myself, the person I was dealing with would not care. The changes I would be making would only be to satisfy someone who I am not friends with, and has never taken an interest in my life. They would be more consumed with figuring out their own life rather then caring about what I do. I realized the value of not letting an individuals actions, or lack there of, affect me.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

Lao Tzu

3. The final, and possibly most important, lesson I’ve learned this year is the value of remaining calm when there is chaos all around. As I alluded to earlier, the last three months of 2019 were hectic. But with all these surprises thrown at me I’ve learned the importance of keeping a clear head even when it feels like my reality has crumbled in a matter of seconds. Being able to think logically in moments that could cause panic has let me be able to solve problems on the spot, provide support to friends and family in moments of strife, and prioritize what is truly most important in each situation- whether that be family, health or stubbornly insisting on more answers.

While I am ready to say goodbye to 2019, I have to acknowledge the value it has added to my life and the lessons it taught me. I can’t predict what 2020 will bring, but I am excited for whatever life experiences it will bring.

A family home-cooked meal for 4th of July.