Welcome to the 20’s: Bucket list

I am addicted to bucket lists. I love setting myself challenges, and checking off each one as I accomplish them. I may or may not even have one I’m still currently working on. However, for me this is no reason to not create another.

While I do like to set timelines for my bucket lists, I also recognize that often they can carry over past my “deadline.” In 2019, I had 20 goals, of which I accomplished 15. Which, is not bad. For 2020 though, I would like to do better, and have higher than a 75% success rate.

A new dawn, a new day, a new year. Welcome 2020!

Types of goals that can be included in bucket list can be personal, financial, emotional, health-related or just for fun! Often I create a mix of goals. There are some that require multiple steps to accomplish and planning, and others that I only aim to do once. I have provided a list of some goal types and examples below.

  • Personal goals: find a new hobby, clean out room/house, donate clothes, volunteer more, ext.
  • Financial goals: create a budget, limit spending, save a certain amount of money each paycheck, create a 401k, pay off loans or debt, ext.
  • Emotional goals: start a gratitude journal, have a designated time each week for self care, check in with friends an loved ones consistently, ext.
  • Health-related goals: exercise three times a week, eat healthier, get eight hours of sleep, ext.
  • Just for Fun goals: eat at a new restaurant each month, create an art piece to hang in your home, go on a hike, travel more, ext.

So without any further ado, here are my goals for 2020.

2020 Goals

  1. Read 20 Books. Because it’s 2020.
  2. Create a blog post at least once a month. Last year I was surprised by how consistently I posted for the first several months, before gradually becoming less and less involved. However, when my computer broke, I was grateful to have blogged several of my goals and experiences, thus letting me have a record of them.
  3. Sew an outfit.
  4. Go on a solo trip for fun. I’ve been wanting to try this for several years now!
  5. Exercise two to three times a week. Create a routine!
  6. Double my savings.
  7. Go on a road trip and visit friends along the way!
  8. Spend less time on my phone! This is one of the goals I failed in 2019.
  9. Find a side hustle/part time job.
  10. Write *creatively* on a regular basis. From third grade all the way through high school, everyday after school I used to spend hours just writing. I want to find joy in creating places and characters again.
  11. Try a capsule wardrobe for at least a week – challenge myself!
  12. Volunteer at least once a month.
  13. Spend a weekend solely on reflection and planning.
  14. Run 100 miles this year – this means running about two miles each week.
  15. Move in to a new living space.
  16. Visit a foreign country (I have two or three options in mind already).
  17. Get a haircut. I know this one is fairly simple compared to most of the others, but it needs to be done.
  18. Give up fast food for a month.
  19. Create a morning routine to do before work, could include reading, meditation, ext.
  20. Go to a chiropractor/attend physical therapy.

Likely later in the year I will think of “bonus” bucket list items I can include or switch out, depending on how I want to challenge myself and interests. Regardless, cheers to 2020!

Me and my cat Domino, ready for 2020!