COVID-19: March 30, 2020

Well, times sure have changed. Normally when I write I try to reflect on my life, think of how I want to grow or the goals I hope to achieve. But the world is experiencing a pandemic, the coronavirus(COVID-19), and people everywhere are in various stages of calm or panic, meditation or hoarding toilet paper.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is a serious situation. Since the first news stories from China in January, I had been weary of travel, my biggest passion. I had almost cancelled both of the trips I had planned before March because of reports about the coronavirus, but had withheld doing so based on advice from friends and family. While I was lucky that all of my traveling hadn’t put me at risk, the United States is now in a very different position than it was even two weeks ago.

A view of our farm in Maryland with some of our cows.

Living in Maryland I have returned to my parents home in a rural part of the state, rather then continuing to rent a space closer to my office. I have begun to work exclusively online from the web and with conference calls. My job fortunately falls under the “essential businesses” category, and that I can work from my laptop. However, I know many people are not nearly as lucky. With Governor Hogan now announcing a “stay at home” order, I cannot imagine how much more it will change.

My family appears to be in a unique situation. Five of us are living together, four of us are working (all considered apart of essential businesses), and three of us can work exclusively from home. The only one of us not working is my sister who is still in school, and she is considering applying to the local grocery store for a job. I myself have not gone to any public area since March 18, only going outside to walk around our house or assist my father on our farm.

With all this time at home I wish I could say I have been productive, but in truth I have only gone from being paranoid to overly cautious, and become a true youtube addict. The first week I was home, I cannot deny I was a mess. But now I have (somewhat) adjusted to the circumstances we are in. While no one I know has been directly effected by the coronavirus, with reports suggesting our area is still two week away from reaching it’s peak, there’s not much I can do but hold my breath and hope for the best.

Seasonal allergies do nothing to calm me down, nor does the knowledge that I have nowhere to go. There is a list in my head of ways I can preoccupy myself. Eventually I may share them here, but any suggestions for distractions are always welcome.