Having a “Hot Girl Summer” or whatever that means

Every once in a while a phrase will catch on and be the “it” thing everyone is craving to have, achieve, or celebrate. “YOLO,” “dad bod” and “bae” are just some of the phrases that have infiltrated our vernacular from the internet or pop culture.

This summer it seems like every one wants a “hot girl summer.” While I instinctively think of 90 degree weather, sweat, being outdoors and tank tops, I know that’s not what this phrase is referencing. While I only just learned of the phrase this year, Urban dictionary has definitions of a “hot girl summer” from 2019. While some reference Megan Thee Stallion as the creator of the term, my personal favorite definition says in part that it is “a term used to define girls being unapologetically themselves, having fun, loving yourself, and doing YOU.” Some other definitions reference increased promiscuity as a defining characteristic of this phrase, but at its core it is not.

Me, Sarah, having a “hot girl summer,” 2020.

As a “girl” who is now 25 years old, hearing the term “hot girl summer” and trying to apply it to myself feels almost like a joke. I am young but the idea of unlimited freedom tied to this term is something I could not imagine. The responsibilities that come with having a full time job, financial obligations, managing family and friends as well as figuring out what I actually would like to do in life make summer another season of sorting everything out.

That being said, a critical part of life is living in the present and feeling the joy that comes with that. And often I feel that people get tied up in the tiny details of life that contribute little to no joy – social media, that bad memory from two years ago, the things we cannot control.

So in an effort to live #mybestlife (wow so quirky, not cringe XD ) I’m trying to come up with a more mature phrase that fits my 25-year old needs. “Hot lady season” is fairly close to the original but lacks some of the freedom that comes with being a girl. The adjective “boss” has also become more popular over the years but feels too powerful for the vibe I’m going for – although there is nothing wrong with being powerful.

I feel like at its essence hot girl summer encourages individuals to be whatever they want to be. And for me that means being a woman – responsible, hardworking, respected and compassionate – not childish. While being hot is always a plus, being stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, courageous, intelligent or bold are all adjectives I would rather hear someone whisper about me. And although summer will always be linked to the idea of freedom from responsibility, I want to embody this energy in all parts of my life, not just for a season, hour or year.

Perhaps over-analyzing a cute phrase like “hot girl summer” makes it lose its zest. But as someone who actively wants to keep growing and fine-tuning what it is I want in life, I can’t help but mull over these nuances. Do I even want a “hot girl summer?” Or do I want to be a “boss-lady?” Do I want a “kick you in the rear decade?” Or a “manic-pixie summer?”

I can’t really say for sure if there even is a saying that could embody all the goals and dreams I have for myself. But if I were to summarize it, I think the best I could do is this: financially responsible, loving relationships, a sense of adventure and happiness all around.