A 24 by 24 by 24 Birthday Update

A golden sunset in Nassau, Bahamas.

Last year I made a bucket list to complete by my “golden birthday.” Twenty-four goals to accomplish before my 24th birthday on February 24, 2020 (hence 24 by 24 by 24).

I’ve always enjoyed setting goals for myself. By making a bucket list with my birthday serving as the deadline, it became a way for me to document the year and challenge myself. Some of the goals were surprisingly easy, while others made me realize how big of a procrastinator I can be. Below I have listed out each goal I accomplished, as well as a note about each one.

24 by 24 by 24

Here I am in the dress I sewed.
  1. Try a new restaurant each month
    • Successfully completed!
  2. Do a 100-day challenge
    • Walked 10,000 steps a day from May through August.
  3. Go to a festival (of some sort)
    • Attended the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.
  4. Sew an Outfit
    • I successful sewed a satin green dress.
  5. Find a new hobby  (join a club)
    • I have become active in a local organization that includes volunteering and working on agricultural projects.
  6. Have a Photo Shoot
    • Technically, I did do a photo shoot this past summer (although it was with my sister, and not with my wonderful friend Gillian (hi!)).
  7. Start and keep a gratitude journal (at least 2xs a week)
    • This goal was surprisingly one of the easiest to complete, and I think it has benefited remembering all the little things I have to be grateful for.
  8. Bake a dessert and gift some of it out
    • This was accomplished! I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies and gifted some out to my friends and their families.
  9. Designate time each week for meditation
    • In my opinion, I did accomplish this goal. I created a habit this year of going hiking at least once a week by myself. I found that this time often proved to be a good time for self reflection and creativity.
  10. Go to a baseball football game (with friends!)
    • I ended up NOT attending a baseball game with my friends – however I did attend a football game! And for that reason I would like to consider this goal a success, even though it was not completed.
  11. Go hiking with a new friend
    • Completed!
  12. Write a collection of poems/short story
    • Wrote some poetry while fulfilling my writing retreat goal!
  13. Read 24 books
    • I read 23 of 24 books.
  14. Have a writing retreat with Laura and Abby
    • Participated in CampNano Wrimo 🙂
  15. Go to a new city by myself and spend a day there
    • I unintentionally accomplished this goal! I planned a trip to Hawaii with my friend who accidentally missed her flight! Thus I arrived in Hawaii eight hours ahead of her and took that time to walk around Waikiki.
  16. Give up soda for a month
    • Accomplished! After a week of not drinking any soda, I stopped missing it. While I do occasionally drink soda now, I certainly have cut back.
  17. Go to a concert
    • This is a goal I accomplished but I cannot remember for the life of me who I saw. Interestingly enough, I already have been invited to four concerts for this upcoming year! Although, I do not think I will make it to all of them.
  18. Take a class on something I’m interested in (surfing, painting, ext.)
    • This goal I initially thought I did not accomplish, until I remembered that for my job I have taken several courses this past year in topics I’m interested in. These included classes about drying herbs and niche agricultural markets.
  19. Run an under 10-minute mile
    • Surprisingly enough, this goals was actually not difficult to complete!
  20. Visit my friend Katie
    • This goal was one of the ones that I added as an alternative at my six-month check in. Excitingly, I was able to visit my friend Katie before she moved across the country.
  21. Clean out my room
    • This was another alternative goal. And while it originally was grouped with the goal to “donate clothes,” I separated them because of how much time they each took to do!
  22. Donate Clothes
    • My closet is able to breathe.

Looking at this list, I only accomplished 22 goals, rather then 24. A 91% success rate. I also did not achieve my overarching goal of completing all these items; however, I still consider the year an amazing success. It has been filled with both positive and negative surprises. I had more adventures then I could ever imagine, but also personal family matters I never could have anticipated. My 23rd year was remarkable, and it is only in retrospect I can appreciate everything I accomplished.

In front of the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.

Of the goals I listed for myself, I am most proud of having read 23 books. Although this is one shy of my goal(24 books), I am so happy to be in the habit of reading regularly. While I enjoyed many of the books I read, the one that stood out the most would be Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein.

However, here are the goals I did not complete before turning 24. Some I added throughout the year, which is why I have more than only two goals which I did not accomplish:

  • Make something extreme (think art)
    • I sadly did not make anything I would consider extreme.
  • Visit Nicole in NY State
    • However, I did see her when she returned to Maryland. I hope to see her eventually in New York!
  • Sing karaoke
    • I realized I love singing but not in front of people.
  • LOTR Extended Movie Marathon/visit Kamille in NYC!
    • This was not accomplished, however I still plan on seeing my friend hopefully soon!
  • Do a styling trip with Tevin
    • After talking with my friend Tevin, it became apparent that our work schedules made this very difficult to near impossible. We still want to meet up for this fun activity.

Of these goals, the ones I want to accomplish this year are making trips to visit my friends Kamille and Nicole. I rarely get to see them, and they live close enough I could always make a three-day trip out to them.

I am now debating if I should create another list for my next birthday – a 25 by 25. While it is not nearly as catchy of a title, I think there is definitely potential. Any ideas, suggestions or advice is welcome for my next year of goals. 🙂

Mountains on Maui.

Welcome to the 20’s: Bucket list

I am addicted to bucket lists. I love setting myself challenges, and checking off each one as I accomplish them. I may or may not even have one I’m still currently working on. However, for me this is no reason to not create another.

While I do like to set timelines for my bucket lists, I also recognize that often they can carry over past my “deadline.” In 2019, I had 20 goals, of which I accomplished 15. Which, is not bad. For 2020 though, I would like to do better, and have higher than a 75% success rate.

A new dawn, a new day, a new year. Welcome 2020!

Types of goals that can be included in bucket list can be personal, financial, emotional, health-related or just for fun! Often I create a mix of goals. There are some that require multiple steps to accomplish and planning, and others that I only aim to do once. I have provided a list of some goal types and examples below.

  • Personal goals: find a new hobby, clean out room/house, donate clothes, volunteer more, ext.
  • Financial goals: create a budget, limit spending, save a certain amount of money each paycheck, create a 401k, pay off loans or debt, ext.
  • Emotional goals: start a gratitude journal, have a designated time each week for self care, check in with friends an loved ones consistently, ext.
  • Health-related goals: exercise three times a week, eat healthier, get eight hours of sleep, ext.
  • Just for Fun goals: eat at a new restaurant each month, create an art piece to hang in your home, go on a hike, travel more, ext.

So without any further ado, here are my goals for 2020.

2020 Goals

  1. Read 20 Books. Because it’s 2020.
  2. Create a blog post at least once a month. Last year I was surprised by how consistently I posted for the first several months, before gradually becoming less and less involved. However, when my computer broke, I was grateful to have blogged several of my goals and experiences, thus letting me have a record of them.
  3. Sew an outfit.
  4. Go on a solo trip for fun. I’ve been wanting to try this for several years now!
  5. Exercise two to three times a week. Create a routine!
  6. Double my savings.
  7. Go on a road trip and visit friends along the way!
  8. Spend less time on my phone! This is one of the goals I failed in 2019.
  9. Find a side hustle/part time job.
  10. Write *creatively* on a regular basis. From third grade all the way through high school, everyday after school I used to spend hours just writing. I want to find joy in creating places and characters again.
  11. Try a capsule wardrobe for at least a week – challenge myself!
  12. Volunteer at least once a month.
  13. Spend a weekend solely on reflection and planning.
  14. Run 100 miles this year – this means running about two miles each week.
  15. Move in to a new living space.
  16. Visit a foreign country (I have two or three options in mind already).
  17. Get a haircut. I know this one is fairly simple compared to most of the others, but it needs to be done.
  18. Give up fast food for a month.
  19. Create a morning routine to do before work, could include reading, meditation, ext.
  20. Go to a chiropractor/attend physical therapy.

Likely later in the year I will think of “bonus” bucket list items I can include or switch out, depending on how I want to challenge myself and interests. Regardless, cheers to 2020!

Me and my cat Domino, ready for 2020!

Bye Bye 2019 – but Thanks

2019 was a roller coaster of a year, from travel and adventure, to mundane work routines, to unexpected life moments. While I’ve made some amazing memories in the past year, the last three months have guaranteed for me that it will not be missed. 

View of a sunset in Allegany County, Maryland. Taken in September 2019.

While I could dwell on these moments, I instead want to take the time to reflect on all the good I’ve had this past year, and highlight the three biggest successes and lessons I have expereinced during this time, which I hope continue to benefit me in the future.

1. My first “success” this year has definitely been taking the time to travel. Thinking back on the year, I took 10 trips for pleasure and four for work. I’ve always wanted my life to be an adventure, and having the ability to see and learn about so many places has been a blessing. It has taught me about self reliance and adapting to unexpected opportunities, as well as challenges. It has also made me realize how independent and self sufficient I can be. Looking towards 2020, I can only hope to continue experiencing life’s adventures.

On a beach in Oahu, Hawaii.

2. On a less tangible note, I’ve learned the value of not caring what other people think of me. While I’ve always felt very comfortable in my identity, this was the first year where in a professional setting I experienced people not liking me- for no reason. At first I was stressed because I could not figure out what I had done wrong to make them feel this way about me. But then I realized that even if I were to make changes about myself, the person I was dealing with would not care. The changes I would be making would only be to satisfy someone who I am not friends with, and has never taken an interest in my life. They would be more consumed with figuring out their own life rather then caring about what I do. I realized the value of not letting an individuals actions, or lack there of, affect me.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

Lao Tzu

3. The final, and possibly most important, lesson I’ve learned this year is the value of remaining calm when there is chaos all around. As I alluded to earlier, the last three months of 2019 were hectic. But with all these surprises thrown at me I’ve learned the importance of keeping a clear head even when it feels like my reality has crumbled in a matter of seconds. Being able to think logically in moments that could cause panic has let me be able to solve problems on the spot, provide support to friends and family in moments of strife, and prioritize what is truly most important in each situation- whether that be family, health or stubbornly insisting on more answers.

While I am ready to say goodbye to 2019, I have to acknowledge the value it has added to my life and the lessons it taught me. I can’t predict what 2020 will bring, but I am excited for whatever life experiences it will bring.

A family home-cooked meal for 4th of July.

A six month countdown

Earlier this year I created a bucket list of 24 items to complete before I turned 24 on the 24th of February… in other words, my 24 by 24 by 24 bucket list. This past month was the halfway point from when I set these goals, and it seems only appropriate to give an update.

Volunteering selling ice cream at the Maryland State Fair!

As the year has progressed, some things have changed – some goals have been edited, and alternatives or “bonuses” have been added. Most of these alternative/bonus goals were ones I had considered putting on the list when I was created it, but then initially decided they did not cut the top 24.

While I do have conflicting thoughts on changing goals, I think at the end of the day having alternatives is more realistic for me, especially when considering all the unknown factors that can impact a year. Instead of feeling guilty for changing a goal, I can recognize the fact that the ways I want to push myself evolve as the year progresses, letting me explore new opportunities and challenges.

Below is a list of my goals – along with an update by each one

24 by 24 by 24

  1. Try a new restaurant each month
    • On track to completion!
  2. Do a 100-day challenge
    • Walked 10,000 steps a day from May through August.
  3. Go to a festival (of some sort)
    • Attended the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.
  4. Sew an Outfit
    • Had to adjust this goal – the contest I initially wanted to enter in is on the same day as a wedding. Instead I have decided to sew a dress for the wedding as my new goal!
  5. Find a new hobby  (join a club)
    • Recently I have become active in a local organization to my county- so this goal is on its way to completion!
  6. Make something extreme (think art)
    • I’ve been brainstorming – but I’m open to ideas!
  7. Have a Photo Shoot
    • Technically, I did do a photo shoot this past summer (although it was with my sister, and not with my wonderful friend Gillian (hi!)). However, this is a goal that I’ve been reevaluating. Lately I’ve been more interested in taking photos, and think my new goal may be to go out and experiment taking more of nature.
  8. LOTR Extended Movie Marathon/visit Kamille in NYC!
  9. Start and keep a gratitude journal (at least 2xs a week)
    • I am happy to say that this is one of my goals I have been consistent on! It has helped me remember all the good things in life.
  10. Bake a dessert and gift some of it out
    • Hopefully will be completed soon.
  11. Designate time each week for meditation
    • This goal is in progress. While I have been conscientious about taking care of myself, I still have not solidified a meditation routine.
  12. Go to a baseball game (with friends!)
    • I honestly to not know if this one will happen before the baseball season ends, in which case it may be one of the goals I end up editing/switching with an alternative!
  13. Do a styling trip with Tevin
    • Another goal I need to organize a meet-up for!
  14. Go hiking with a new friend
    • Completed!
  15. Write a collection of poems/short story
    • Wrote some poetry while fulfilling my writing retreat goal!
  16. Read 24 books
    • Thus far, I have read 11 books and am simultaneously working on numbers 12 and 13. Hoping to finish one soon!
  17. Have a writing retreat with Laura and Abby
    • Participated in CampNano Wrimo 🙂
  18. Go to a new city by myself and spend a day there
    • I’ve been to several new cities this year, so this goal could be considered completed, but I plan to continue to push myself!
  19. Give up soda for a month
    • I am currently working on this goal!
  20. Visit Nicole in NY State
  21. Go to a concert
    • I could argue I’ve been to one already this year, but I’m holding out to see if I go to more!
  22. Sing karaoke
    • The more I think about this goal, the less enthusiastic I feel about it, haha.
  23. Take a class on something I’m interested in (surfing, painting, ext.)
    • This goal I’ve done a lot of research on. All that is left is to sign up for a class and complete it!
  24. Run an under 10-minute mile
    • Surprisingly enough, this goals was actually not difficult to complete!
A picture I took while hiking along the coast of France in April, 2019.

The new “alternative” or “bonus” goals I have allowed myself to include are:

  • Try 24 new Recipes
  • Getting another piercing
  • Cleaning out my room/Donating clothes
  • Visiting my friend Katie

From my original list, I have completed 12 goals – so thankfully it looks like I am on track to complete them on time! However, this count includes my on-going goals – meaning I still have a number of goals that occur once I need to complete!

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

So far this year has had some great times as well as unforeseen challenges. Moving forward I am excited to continue experiencing all of these, and regardless of what life throws at me I will continue pursuing these challenges.

Does everything happen for a reason?

Destiny, fate, chance, luck, coincidence- there is no doubt that there are moments in everyone’s life where one must question – did this happen accidentally, or is there a great power at play here?

When all the random jigsaw pieces of life start fitting together perfectly and you have to take a moment to pinch yourself and say, “Wait a minute – how did I end up here?”

This screenshot meme is from the movie young Frankenstein, where Gene Wilder portrays a character having a nightmare about his destiny.

I was in this exact moment last year, when I had somehow stated a good job that combined my college major and minor (which are highly unrelated – journalism and global poverty, otherwise known as agricultural economics), and all my internship and job experiences in one place. It seemed like it was too much luck when I got the call saying I had received the job.

In the interview I had been confident, but after a week of thinking it over had begun to question myself. So, getting the phone call, I needed a minute to process all that had happened. Everything fell into place just before my college graduation. And to be honest – I was more than a little shocked with how it all came together. Especially considering how I had accepted that I would likely be struggling for months to find the right job.

There are some people who believe that everything is predestined, and that your life is planned from the start. Every bump in the road is just another step moving you towards your final destination. While I like this sentiment, I personally see life a little differently.

I do think that obstacles in life can push you forward, but each individual is responsible for their own actions. It is their own will power they must use to push themselves forward, whether or not fate is involved.

A picture I took while with coworkers.

Lately I’ve been reading a book called “Everything Happens For A Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved,” by Kate Bowler. I’m still reading the book, and have not found yet the message from the author. However, it has made me think a lot about how good things happen to some people, while others continue to face unforeseen challenges in life. And how it can all feel random and unexplainable at times.

I’m no specialist on life, the divine, belief systems or the complex interworking’s of the universe – but contemplating these questions help me to analyze my own approach to life.

So- what do you all think? Is there such a thing as fate or destiny? Is it luck? Is there a more complicated mechanism that subconsciously drives us through the universe? Or, is it simply that each of us control our own lives?