
For most of my life I have lived and worked on a dairy farm. In 2015, I created a video detailing some of the daily activities my father does as a farmer (which I also do).

Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer: This video was made for one of my college classes, and shows some of the daily activities a dairy farmer does on his farm, primarily focusing on the milking process.

Here are some other projects I have worked on, including web designs and logo designs I created.

Maryland Governor’s Race 2018: During the 2018 Maryland governor’s race, my teammate Uyen Nguyen and I designed a voter guide for Capital News Service(CNS). This included a banner, landing page and a webpage for each of the candidates.

The Other Games : In the Spring of 2018, I designed this webpage with team member Nguyen while working at CNS. Together we wrote the HTML and CSS of the site, as well as created the background GIFS.


CNS Podcasts Network: While at CNS, I also designed the landing page for their podcasts with Nguyen. Of these podcasts, I designed the logos for The Annapolis Bullpen, The Washington Bullpen, The War on Hot Takes and Talking Pop Culture.

The Annapolis Bullpen Page: For this podcast, Nguyen and I designed a page to contain relevant information about the reporters producing it.

The Washington Bullpen Page: For this podcast, Nguyen and I designed a page to contain relevant information about the reporters producing it.